We are looking for White Rock & South Surrey business partners who want to boost the economic bottom line for their business and other businesses in our service area. If you are happy with the way things are, the way they are going and do NOT want to increase your business, this may NOT be for you. The health of your business MUST be more important to YOU than us.
We are also looking for many Amazing Friends from around the world who LOVE White Rock, BC CANADA – C L I C K for more info.
This is a private venture without government funding (NO TAX DOLLARS). Ideas can be implemented within a short time period, as no studies, reports, or votes that can cause lengthy delays will be necessary. Too many delays can lead to another tourism season or even a year or more lost. Ideas can be implemented in hours or days – not months or years. Suggestions by business partners will be reviewed and are welcomed to direct our efforts. We will even welcome comments from your customers – what they like or do not like. Only positive comments will be published; negative comments will be discussed with the business partners to see if they can be rectified. Sometimes people are too busy trying to run a business and they overlook what others see. One negative comment does not mean you have to change the world, but many people complaining about the same issue should maybe be addressed ASAP.
Our focus is a business support program using the Internet, social media and printed products such as postcards, greeting cards, Lucky Coins, poster prints, etc. The sky is not the limit – as White Rock is known as the hole in the sky – the stars are, if businesses work together and are focused.
To be considered an AMAZING White Rock business partner and LISTED ON THIS SITE, you must have an online presence – Website (domain), an Instagram account which can post to Facebook & Twitter very easily at the same time (you can post separately or use other social media accounts) and must be actively promoting the AMAZING products or services you offer and promoting photos of our area. A tablet and/or SMART phone is a MUST.
If you are in the dark about the various social media platforms or need an online presence or have an outdated site, contact Virtual Edge Communications, our White Rock Beach Marketing Company. Ric Wallace can discuss what you need to get started and how we can partner for success. We are looking for businesses with ethics that match the way we do business. We reserve the right to decline to list or promote businesses we feel are not a fit. Ric Wallace does more than take PRETTY PICTURES and has a portfolio that will AMAZE you.
Competing businesses of Ric Wallace / Virtual Edge Communications products and services will be judged on a case by case basis. Ric Wallace has promoted other photographers and artists at the White Rock Beach waterfront on WhiteRockBeach.ca, as they share common business ethics and work together rather than against each other. It is nice to know that if an artist needs to leave for a bathroom break, get a coffee or food, their work will not be stolen and is being watched. A business model where other businesses help each other is our plan. Past customers of Virtual Edge Communications who had their business connections terminated (failure to pay, late payments, bad checks, damage to products, non return of products, violations of past contracts, bad business ethics, etc) will be rejected.
Being an AMAZING White Rock Business Partner may require some financial support or actions that will help cover or reduce ours costs for this site and other marketing expenses. Efforts costing NO MONEY will be considered first. Any business or person can use the hashtag #AmazingWhiteRock. There are no long-term contracts – you can opt out at any time and we will remove any linking or reference to you and your site. We are focused on results and not just being another complainer watching another business close. Business partners wanting to reward people in our AMAZING Friends of White Rock Program can help by giving away free products, services, meals, desserts, coffee etc (tax-deductible promotional expense) and get FREE promotion for doing so. Your business can make up its own rules about what to offer: e.g. a FREE entree or dessert to a someone using the hashtag #AmazingWhiteRock, or if they bring a friend to have dinner at your restaurant (or other business – reward of your choice), or any other idea you have will put money into your till. To get the full benefit of the promotion, the business partner offering the reward will be responsible for putting a photo online of a WINNER of our AMAZING White Rock ongoing social media promotion on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. We can add a link to this on our many sites, which can help get FREE exposure for your business and White Rock. This is something most local businesses are not doing. By your supplying plain text and photos, we can cut and paste these into postings to be added to many sites we run.
We have created the hashtag #AmazingWhiteRock
We encourage our business partners or anyone who LOVES WHITE ROCK to use this hashtag and brag about their AMAZING Fish & Chips, AMAZING Coffee, AMAZING Hair Style, AMAZING Food, AMAZING Ice Cream, AMAZING time at the beach, etc.
Other hashtags we want business partners or friends of White Rock to use are:
Ric Wallace was the first person / company to register the domain WhiteRockBeach.ca within weeks of arriving in White Rock for the first time in 2011 and decided to stay.
Domain name: whiterockbeach.ca
Domain status: registered
Creation date: 2011/08/15
This was a NO BRAINIER as the signs at the waterfront said (and still do say) “Welcome to White Rock Beach . . .” People are AMAZED this domain was never registered, and Ric Wallace was able to snap it up. There is an old saying: “You can not see the forest because of all the TREES.” Sometimes people do not see what is right in front of them; a visitor or foreigner may ask, “Why are you wasting time doing things this way?” Or they suggest a better way of doing things based on what they have seen done successfully elsewhere. Someone who can think outside the box often can see what you missed. According to the Peace Arch News in 2007 there was a proposal to brand White Rock as Silver Beach. I guess the U.S.- based company never visited the White Rock waterfront – $$$ wasted ???. The BIG White Rock is on the BEACH.
A whole line of branded PRODUCTS are tied to the domain WhiteRockBeach.ca, creating a BRAND in demand and for sale in stores and online; in turn, getting the word out about AMAZING White Rock.
A cool website or blog is not enough these days, so Ric Wallace started in 2013 developing PRODUCTS – now 101+ postcards & greeting cards, a Lucky Coin featuring the famous White Rock, Wall Art and many other products showcasing AMAZING White Rock. All these products have been featured on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, and other sites & blogs. We have sold THOUSANDS of postcards and greeting cards sent around the world BOOSTING the AMAZING White Rock image / brand (shipping paid by the purchaser – FREE SHIPPING). We have created a WORLDWIDE DIRECT marketing program where the recipient of our postcards / greeting cards hears from a friend or family member who was in AMAZING WHITE ROCK. Some people opt out of mailing the postcards and, instead, put them in their family albums of trips to be shared with others. A positive personal experience mentioned on a postcard or greeting card of White Rock and area is more valuable than an ad in a paper, on a billboard, radio etc. One uptown White Rock gift shop rejected the opportunity to be a retailer of our products, saying they we being SOLD at too many places (turned down for having success). We also promote the stores that carry our products online and in print. Anyone purchasing a postcard or greeting card MOST LIKELY checks out the WhiteRockBeach.ca website printed on them or scans the QR code.
Anyone receiving our 101+ postcards / greeting cards may check out our site. The website has more about White Rock, weather, tidal forecasts, COOL photos, videos and more. We have integrated products with our online presence, and the products can be ordered 24-7-365 online worldwide. All this with NO TAX DOLLARS and by the support of retailers offering to sell our products or sponsor a postcard and the Lucky Coin. A single postcard or greeting card will not secure the future of the White Rock business community, but it is helping to get the word out about AMAZING White Rock. Local businesses sponsoring our postcards can get their name and website in the hands and in sight of fans of AMAZING White Rock. As an added bonus for sponsors, the recipient of the postcards by mail may visit your website listed on our postcards.
On February 13, 2017 a visitor from Langley, BC to the White Rock Beach Gallery set up in front of the museum said she could not find any Langley BC postcards. Langley does have some GOOD SHOPPING – like Costco, cheaper gas, Willowbrook Shopping Centre, but nothing AMAZING like White Rock. Where to watch a sunset or sunrise? I gave away one of my business cards and told her if she has an idea other than maybe an aerial view of the shopping district to let me know.
If we can grow our member base and our postcards & greeting cards to over 200 AMAZING images and boost things for our members, we could have delegate status with the City of White Rock and the City of Surrey (if businesses want things done at City hall). The best time to get things done from any city hall is pre-election time. This is just an idea – other business owners would have to head this up (with our assistance).
We have tracked down some 80-pocket postcard racks to display only a fraction of what we have in stock. Three of these racks would cost about $1300 to import into BC and funding these and other items will boost tourism for White Rock and area. Having invested a small fortune into White Rock already, I have to obtain sponsors in order to expand. White Rock should have others willing to invest in our future – or I am wasting my time & money. Sponsoring postcards or even donations could help fund these MEGA racks of AMAZING White Rock postcards project. What SMALL city has over 101 postcards currently available for sale in BC or Canada? Our postcards, greeting cards, and other products are not a get-rich-quick scheme but rather a long haul adventure leading to other things.
ASK NOT what White Rock can do for YOU, but what you can do for WHITE ROCK!
To turn things around for White Rock & area to what it used to be will be the combination of many things and not just offering FREE parking. Social media can be used for FREE. Some say the 2016 USA election was won through social media. Sponsoring our postcards can give you a return directly off your adverting if you retail them – netting FREE promotion. In addition, sponsors can choose to sell their allotted postcards with all proceeds going to the sponsor’s favourite charity. For example: local restaurants could support the Food Bank, beauty spas could support women’s shelters, other sponsors could support children’s or animal charities or non-profits, etc.
An example of what a business could do to help the Food Bank: Ask for a “Toonie for a Tummy” and give them one of your sponsored postcards. Swapping 2,000 toonies for 1,000 postcards would generate $2,000 or more for your charity of choice. Postcard sponsors must contact the charity in advance to ensure acceptance by the charity of any funds to be raised. The sponsor should also check with his or her accountant for the proper rules to follow for administering a fundraiser. ONLY THE SPONSOR’S NAME AND/OR WEB ADDRESS WILL BE PRINTED ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THE SPONSORED POSTCARDS. Your charity of choice will NOT be printed on the postcards. It will be the sponsor’s responsibility to have any signage (advertising the fundraiser) approved by the charity of your choice. We can offer more suggestions if needed.
Purchasing one or both of these 20 x 28″Acrylic Prints would help your business promote AMAZING White Rock to your customers.
Contact Ric Wallace – 604-259-0105 and he will bring them to your business to see if they match your decor. Ric has many more images suitable for the walls of your business.
If a visitor sees these sunrises and sunsets, they might return again to experience the AMAZING light show that Mother Nature offers at White Rock Beach. Wowing your customers with what AMAZING White Rock offers could get repeat customers.
With the tourist season almost here, our postcards, greeting cards and magnets are in real demand. There are only a FEW opportunities left to be a retailer of some of the COOLEST products offered in the lower mainland. Ric has been told by his wife no more pictures until he gets these racks out of the living room and into stores.